Polish Journal of Food Engineering_ISSN 2084-9494_e-ISSN 2300-2018

  • Zwiększ rozmiar czcionki
  • Domyślny  rozmiar czcionki
  • Zmniejsz rozmiar czcionki


The scientific technical quarterly the Polish Journal of Food Engineering, provides a publishing forum of the scientific and technical community from universities, research institutes and institutions and production companies operating in the field of food processing in Poland. It ispublished by the Polish Society for Engineering and Technology, Food Processing "SPOMASZ" under the scientific patronage of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Koszalin University of Technology and the Faculty of Production Engineering at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. The journal is indexed at AGRO and Index Copernicus. The original version of magazine is a paper edition. Electronic publication on is also available.

The journal publishes original scientific and research works and review articles that concisely and clearly discuss specialized issues. All research works are reviewed. The detailed procedure for the qualification and reviews is placed in every edition of IPS and on web In the block "author’s scientific articles" we also publish content of professors’ plenary lectures that are not subject to reviewing. While in the block of " Reference standardization” the latest publications 
on normalisation.

Published works include the following topics:

  • technology, properties of raw materials and products;
  • processes;
  • equipment;
  • control and automation;
  • energy issues;
  • organization of production;
  • health and safety of food production;
  • standardization.

In addition to scientific publications in the field of science we maintain the thematic sections of our academic life: the titles and academic degrees, about plans for scientific conferences and reports on their progress, presentations of research units, publishing information. In this regard,we request members of the Scientific Council to be more active to provide us with information about completed doctorates, publishing books, completed implementations. The editorial staff is not always able to reach all the relevant and interesting information.



  • English (United Kingdom)


